Over 400 publications

We are proud to produce and supply premium nanomaterials to companies and academic institutions developing next-generation electronics, energy and biomedical technologies. We pride ourselves in our thorough, accurate and honest materials characterization.

Our nanotube and graphene powders and solutions are among the purest in the industry and the research projects that were carried out with these materials testify to their quality and reliability.

The use of NanoIntegris and Raymor materials has now appeared in over 500 publications of major scientific journals and magazines! Please follow the link to take a look at the updated list of publications.

According the Google Scholar, over the last 8 years, 578 publications were published, receiving a total of 6686 citations. Impressive statistics include an average of 11.57 citations per paper, 835.75 citations per year and 42 papers with more than 42 citations (h-index of 42)! A sincere thank you to all our clients who trust our quality nanomaterials and turn them in stunning prototypes displaying world class performances.