Using a patented plasma torch process, Raymor Nanotech produces raw single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) at high rates, enabling the lowest prices on the market. As shown by the detailed analysis below, the plasma-grown SWCNT display a high graphitization level, diameters (0.9-1.5 nm) and lengths (0.3-4 μm) close to those of laser- and arc-grown SWCNT. The purity of the raw SWCNT (RN-020) is comparable to the purity of the best arc-discharge SWCNT on the market. The following pages will display the information gathered by thermogravimetric analysis, Raman spectroscopy and optical absorption on the raw (RN-020), purified (RN-220) and SuperPurified (SPT-220) SWCNT. The Super Purified SWCNT (SPT-220) product has a nanotube purity of 95-99%. This material is provided in an aqueous surfactant solution with a nanotube concentration of 0.50 mg CNT/mL and a surfactant-removed thick film.
A brief summary of the measurement protocols as well as a table showing our typical parameters will complete this technical data sheet. Please visit www.raymor.com for more details on our prices and our technology. For our semiconducting SWCNT, please visit the product section of our site or www.nanointegris.com. You may of course also contact us directly.
For further details, reach out to our
Sales Manager at sales@raymor.com or call +1 450.434.6266.
Large volume discounts available for large quantities.
Please contact us for more information.